Pushing and pulling means that you are exposing and developing films other than acording to the manufacturers given speed. The reasons can be that you simply did not have the right films along, accidenatally under or overexposed a roll or to purposely modify the films look or djust the process to a given unusally high or...

The new PWE liquid emulsion is available. After 10 years of R&D on the revival of Fortes legendary Polywarmtone paper we got stuck due to Corona and could not reach our coating machine in Switzerland during the first lockdown and the folowing months of travel restrictions. Therefore we decided to release a product ahead of...

The Production of MCC and MCP is currently paused because one of our premanufacturers has raised prices to an extend that we cannot continue the cooperation. The solution is to transfer this part of the production to our own factories in Switzerland and Germany. Currently our production team is busy implementing Polywarmtone and Lupex with MCC to...

We have made two more coatings in the meantime and are finetuning the paper´s layer package on the cascade. Paper from the first and second coating has been sent to selected master printers for their testing. We have received back images from Wolfgang Moersch and Lina Bessonova (Florence) sofar. Both are very pleased with the new Polywamtone and...

In the meantime we made several coatings of Polywarmtone II with real emulsions. The last one was May 23rd together with the wonderfull darkroom embassador Lina Bessonova from Florence. The paper is stable sofar and soon the first samples can be send out to selected beta testers. The image below shows MCC in comparison to the new...   The NEW ADOX CAPTURA dust binding technology has been introduced with ADOX powder chemicals. The particle sizes are equalized by binding them with our new water soluble, biodegradable and non toxic CAPTURA-binder. CAPTURA will dissolve in water and simply "vanish" upon mixing. The new technolgy is a great improvement for Photographers. Powder chemicals last longer than liquids and...

In March and April we did not keep our hands inside our pockets as well. The electricians brought us lights in the new chemical production and connected the new machines. Because of increasing difficulties in finding plumbers we had to connect the wastewater pipes by ourselves and cleaned the entire area thouroughly. We ran the first...

Professional Lab Photo Studio 13 ( has done very detailed tests of ADOX HR-50 / Scala 50 in their Scala BW reversal process during the last months. Result: The experts from Photo Studio 13 are really impressed, since the results of HR-50 in the Scala Process are outstanding. Therefore, Photo Studio 13 is now also...